Serve Your Community & Support Our Fire Department
• Did you know that over 70 percent of firefighters in the United States are volunteer?
• Did you also know that 85 percent of fire departments are volunteer or mostly volunteer?
Nationwide, volunteer fire departments save municipalities and taxpayers $139.8 billion per year in firefighting costs, according to a 2014 report from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
Volunteer fire departments across the country are struggling to find and keep members.
Why is that?
Well, for starters, it is a time commitment. There are monthly trainings and meetings that are typical for volunteer departments. Add on the minimum number of calls required and public relations events, such as fundraisers and fire prevention week. Being a volunteer firefighter takes some work.
But don’t let that scare you away. Volunteering can be very rewarding in many other ways. You can get plugged in and help your local community. You help people on the worst days of their lives. You can be the difference, literally between life and death. It will truly warm your heart when you hear a simple “thank you” from a family you have helped or seeing little kids looking up to you as heroes and waving as you drive down the road with lights and sirens. Volunteer firefighters come from all walks of life. We have volunteers who are parents, factory workers, administration workers, computer specialists, vehicle mechanics and more.
Have you thought about being a volunteer firefighter?
If you’d like to apply, download and fill out our application. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. You can find our contact information on the “contact” page of this website. Or visit our Facebook page.